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A list of my public Git repositories.

Apps  #

Desktop and Web apps. Poking the GUI apps world with a stick

Eiri  #

A prototype of Tidings using FLTK

#fltk-rs #rust #unfinished

Flowey  #


fltk-rs-playground #

A playground to test all things fltk-rs


hello-world #

A hello-world Tauri app

#hello-world #tauri #svelte #rust

julialang-slack-history #

A read-only Slack clone for reading history from

#slack-clone #svelte #julia #unfinished

Kirk  #

#c #work-in-progress

Morbo  #


Shuchu  #

An app to turn your time into self-proclaimed rewards

#fltk-rs #rust #unfinished

Tracy  #

A Flatpak manifest for the Tracy Profiler


Tidings  #

Finally, an RSS reader without a built-in browser

#gtk-rs #rust #unfinished

Complex  #

Complex solutions. Research and confusing projects are here

C1  #

A Fortran module for computing a correlogram and a periodogram of one-dimensional non-uniform time series

#time-series #astronomy #fortran

C2  #

A comparison of covariance functions used to inference stellar rotation periods of stars

Followed by GPKernels

#astrophysics #gaussian-processes #stellar-rotation #jupyter #python #unfinished

C3  #

A Fortran module for performing spectral correlation analysis of time series

#time-series-analysis #fortran

C3.1  #

SCATS interface with a backend written in C++ and a frontend written in Python

Followed by Scats.jl

#time-series-analysis #python #c++ #unfinished

GPKernels  #

Study of the influence of selection of kernels for Gaussian processes on the modeling of light curves

#astronomy #gaussian-processes #julia #unfinished

PMG  #

Spatial-kinematic modelling of a flat subsystem of the Milky Way by the method of maximum likelihood

#astronomy #julia #rust

A root repository for GitHub Pages

Docker  #

Docker/OCI images. Ready-made sandboxes for lazy people

binder-base #

Yet another base image for Binder

#binder #binder-ready #jupyter

binder-julia #

Basically, paveloom/binder-base + Julia

#binder #binder-ready #jupyter #julia

binder-julia-plots #

If paveloom/binder-julia and paveloom/binder-tex had a baby

#binder #binder-ready #jupyter #tex #julia

binder-tex #

Basically, paveloom/binder-base + TeX dependencies

#binder #binder-ready #jupyter #tex

dev #

An OCI compliant image containing my personal development environment

#image #oci #development-environment #docker

paveloom-os #

An OSTree native container for personal use

#image #podman #oci #ostree

Forks  #

Small little patches here and there


Update a pinned gist to contain your Code::Stats


ffmpeg-static #

A script to make a static build of FFmpeg

#ffmpeg #bash

lbry-android #

The LBRY Android app (now without a blacklist)

#lbry #lbry-android #ci-cd

lbry-desktop #

A browser and wallet for LBRY, the decentralized, user-controlled content marketplace (now without a blacklist)

#lbry #lbry-desktop #ci-cd


Seamless music for your website. HTML5 music player with continuous playback cross pages

#music #player #html5


Update a pinned gist to contain your weekly WakaTime stats


zig-tracy-bindings #

Zig language bindings for the Tracy Profiler


Julia  #

Julia packages. There is even a custom registry for some reason

Exceptions.jl #

Easy exception creation

#exceptions #exception-handling #julia

HillRegions.jl #

A recipe to plot Hill regions

#hill-regions #julia

A root repository for GitHub Pages

PaveloomRegistry  #

A personal Julia packages registry

#julia-registry #julia

PDFHighlights.jl #

Export highlights from PDF files to a CSV file with one call

#pdf #csv #poppler #julia #c

Scats.jl #

Spectral correlation analysis of time series (not supposed to be used)

#time-series #periodogram #time-series-analysis #correlogram #julia #unfinished

Minor  #

Minor repositories. Small, but sometimes quite useful

Makefiles  #

Makefile templates for compiling programs and publishing code on GitHub

#git #makefile

QtSettingsDemo  #

Settings file generator: demonstration of the graphical interface created using Qt in the Qt Creator environment

#qtcreator #qt5-gui

Other  #

Other stuff

OrgAvatars  #

Organizations’ avatars

IDs #

IDs for identification (psychological process)


A LaTeX-PGF-TikZ Animation  #

Instructions for how to convert a PGF/TikZ picture with variable data in an animation

#ffmpeg #tex #bash

Personal  #

Projects that are very specific to me

dotfiles #

Personal system configuration


Data Structures & Algorithms

#data-structures-and-algorithms #c++

Exercism  #

Exercism exercises completed by me

#rust #unfinished


Mini database server in Zig

#zig #database

nixpkgs #

Personal Nix Packages collection

old_wiki #

An old version of Pensieve, powered by Franklin

#franklin #julia

OpenSearchDescriptionFiles #

Custom OpenSearch description files

#search-engine #opensearch

Paveloom #

A special repository to manage my GitHub profile’s landing page


Site  #

Personal website

Rust  #

Rust projects

simulated_annealing #

An interface for global function optimization using simulated annealing

#rust #optimization #simulated-annealing

TypeScript  #

TypeScript projects

gnome-shell-memento-mori #

Make every second of your life count. Literally!

#gnome-shell-extension #typescript

University  #

Projects developed during my time studying at Saint Petersburg State University

Astrometric Workshop Summer 2019  #

Scripts and programs from the astrometric workshop

#observations #astronomy #astrometry

Astrophysical Workshop Summer 2021  #

Materials developed during the laboratory work at the astrophysical workshop

#astronomy #astrophysics #tectonic #xetex #julia

1st Semester (2017) — 3rd Semester (2018) #

Programming Exercises S01-2017-to-S03-2018  #

An archive of the first programming exercises

#fortran #exercises

4th Semester (2019) #

Optics Laboratory Workshop S04-2019  #

Computational scripts for reports for the optics laboratory workshop

#laboratory-exercises #r

Programming Course S04-2019  #

Using Fortran interface to the GNU Scientific Library, parallelizing code with OpenMP and MPI

#openmp #mpi #fortran

Computational Workshop S04-2019  #

Matrices multiplication, Newton’s / Lagrange’s interpolation, Gauss’s / Seidel’s methods for solving a system of linear differential equations, numerical differentiation, spline interpolation, Fourier transform

#exercises #numerical-methods-implementation #fortran

5th Semester (2019) #

Computational Workshop S05-2019  #

Gauss’s quadrature formula, computing integrals from functions with singularities, computing multiple integrals by the Monte Carlo method, solving ODE numerically, least-squares method, QR algorithm, Jacobi eigenvalue algorithm, solving boundary value problems

#exercises #numerical-methods-implementation #fortran

Python Programming Course S05-2019  #

Scripts from the Python programming course

#game-of-life #python

6th Semester (2020) #

Celestial Mechanics S06-2020  #

Calculating the ephemeris, determining the preliminary orbit

#astronomy #fortran

Astronomical Software Course S06-2020  #

Procedures and programs from the Astronomical Software course

#astronomy #midas

7th Semester (2020) #

Astronomical Observation Workshop S07-2020  #

Materials developed during the laboratory work at the astronomical observation workshop

8th Semester (2021) #

Computational Workshop S08-2021  #

Solving Cauchy problems and stiff systems of differential equations, finding eigenvalues in symmetric matrices

#exercises #numerical-methods-implementation #julia

9th Semester (2021) #

Celestial Mechanics Laboratory Workshop S09-2021  #

Finding a figure-8 solution to a three-body problem with arbitrary precision

#celestial-mechanics #integration #julia

Computational Workshop S09-2021  #

Solving integral equations of the first kind, parabolic and elliptical partial differential equations

#numerical-methods #integration #julia

Computer Methods of Celestial Mechanics S09-2021  #

Presentations on some of the computer methods considered in the course

#celestial-mechanics #numerical-methods #ode-solver #julia

Stellar Astronomy Laboratory Workshop S09-2021  #

Calculation of orbits of globular clusters in several models of the Galaxy potential

#astronomy #integration #rust #julia

Stellar Astronomy Special Workshop S09-2021  #

Decomposition of a bimodal distribution function into two normal components by the maximum likelihood estimation method

#astronomy #stellar #tectonic #xetex #julia

10th Semester (2022) #

Computer Simulation S10-2022  #

Building computer models of physical processes

#astronomy #computer-simulation #rust #julia

Graphics in Scientific Publications S10-2022  #

Preparation of articles for scientific journals, plotting

#xetex #julia

Stellar Astronomy Laboratory Workshop S10-2022  #

Generating disk galaxies

#astronomy #julia

Stellar Astronomy Special Workshop S10-2022  #

Performing a Pearson’s chi-squared test

#astronomy #julia

Computational Gas Dynamics S11-2022  #

Modelling convection with the large-particle method

#astronomy #zig

Stellar Astronomy Laboratory Workshop S11-2022  #

Generating and inferring galaxy rotation curves

#astronomy #julia

Stellar Astronomy Special Workshop S11-2022  #

Performing weighted orthogonal regression

#regression #julia

Resonances in Celestial Mechanics S11-2022  #

Modelling dynamics of main-belt asteroids

#astronomy #celestial-mechanics #resonances #julia

Zig  #

Zig projects

zig-gir-ffi #

Generate FFI bindings for Zig using GObject Introspection

#gobject-introspection #ffi #zig

zig-girepository #

Zig bindings for the girepository library

#girepository #zig

zig-gtk4 #

Zig bindings for the gtk4 library

#gtk4 #zig

zig-libuv #

Zig bindings for the libuv library

#libuv #zig